Jul 22, 2012

Another year older

A highlight (for me anyway) of the past week was my birthday. It's hard to believe that I am 32. I had an enjoyable day, even if I had to go to work. Kevin and the kids treated me very well. It started with beautiful flowers the day before my birthday and ended with a delicious dinner of Paella (we did throw out the clams that didn't open).

We tried to go to an Altoona Curve game on Thursday, but it ended up being rained out. It's been so dry all summer and the one night we actually make plans, it rains. Figures. We'll try for another game.

It was week 7 for our CSA. We definitely have a surplus of squash and tomatoes. We grew cilantro in one of our pots at home, so I made salsa with that and the fresh local tomatoes, garlic, hot peppers, onions, and limes (not local).

Week 7

Cucumbers (or as Kev referred to it, a Ucumber)
Green Peppers 
Hot Banana Peppers (yellow) 
Onions – red and white 
Shell Peas

This was week 2 for marathon training. My workout on Wednesday ended up getting moved to Friday due to thunderstorms. Contrary to popular belief, we aren't completely crazy when it comes to running. There are some times we won't be out or have the kids outside! The start of my long run on Saturday was tough, but I made it through. My runs/workouts for the week - 

Day 1 (M) - 5.02 miles in 43:07
Day 2 (T) - 3.06 miles in 27:10
Day 3 (W) - Off day due to thunderstorms, should have done some XT, but didn't get to it
Day 4 (R) - 3.17 miles in 32:07 with Sarah
Day 5 (F) - 6.07 miles in 51:13; 3 x 1 mile - mile 1: 7:52, mile 2: 7:37, mile 3: 7:33
Day 6 (S) - 12.11 miles in 1:49:36 - last three miles with some friends and it was a great way to end the run
Day 7 (S) - Rest day!

This gave me a total of 29.43 miles for the week in 4:23:13. Kevin finished the week with 59 miles (in 6 days), which included running 26 miles on Saturday and Sunday alone. Ok, so maybe he is crazy!

Enjoy the cooler weather while it lasts!

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