Jul 15, 2012

And it begins...

As of July 9th, Kevin and I are officially training for the Richmond Marathon. It really was something I threw out there on a Thursday evening and by Friday afternoon we were signed up! Craziness.

I decided to use a training plan from the book - Train Like A Mother. This book is the sequel (in a way) to the first book by the two authors - Sarah Bowen Shea and Dimity McDowell, Run Like A Mother. The plan is for towards finishing your first marathon with training 5-6 days a week. You can tell that the plan is geared towards busy moms because one day on the "down" weeks are for fun workouts. This can be bike riding with the kids, going to the pool, shooting hoops, relay races with the kids, or maybe even an obstacle course...with the kids. The plan is actually 20 weeks, but since the marathon is 18 weeks out I have modified it a bit. I am doing week one to get back into a routine and then will jump to week 4. I have a pretty solid base from training for the 15k on July 4th, so hopefully this will work. I also moved the days around a bit to fit my schedule more (hard days on M and W, with easy days on T and R).

How was week one?
Day 1 (M) - 3.01 miles in 26:22
Day 2 (T) - 3.06 miles in 27:53
Day 3 (W) - 2 mile warm up (WU), 2 mile Tempo (mile 1 in 7:58, mile 2 in 7:50), 1.62 miles cool down (CD)
Day 4 (R) - 4.07 miles in 35:07
Day 5 (F) - Rest Day - this is usually a rest day or a cross train day, I decided to take the rest this week
Day 6 (S) - 9.34 mile Long Run (LR) in 1:21:26
Day 7 (S) - Rest day - this is always the rest day

This gives me a total of 25.10 miles in 3:38:39 for week one. For week 2, the mileage is increased to 29 miles with a long run of 12 miles. I ended up running my long run last week alone due to vacations and other running buddies with injuries. I'm hoping I can change that for the upcoming weekend and all future long runs, since they only get longer!

Kevin hasn't quite finalized his plan yet, but ended up getting in around 55 miles last week. He is lucky that 2 running friends are also doing a marathon on the same day (one is doing Richmond and one is doing another one), so they are all working together with what runs are what days to train.

This was week 6 for the CSA. New additions to the box this week were garlic, cucumbers, and green peppers. 

Week 6
Green Onions 
Green Tomatoes
Red Tomatoes 
Head Lettuce 
Sweet Peppers 
Swiss Chard

I think we may make some pesto this week with the basil, since we also planted some and it grows like weeds. I'm not sure about the green tomatoes. We may try them fried. This summer is about trying new things with veggies since we are at the mercy of the farmer for what we get.

The big event for the week was Bonnie's visit home and the release of Lazlo Athletic Brands, L.A.B. This is a line of running clothes in honor of Up-N-Running's favorite canine friend Lazlo. The shirts have some very cute designs (that aren't all dog related), so if you are in the greater Pittsburgh/Cranberry/Valencia/Saxonburg/Butler area, you should stop by and check it out!! Eventually Kevin and I will get something up on the UNR site too.

It's been a busy week and there is no slowing down from here. I'm looking forward to the upcoming week....we'll see how long I can stretch out the birthday celebration!

Happy Summer!

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