Apr 30, 2010

Helpful Apps I'm using

So to help with the baby weight loss and to keep track of my running, I downloaded two apps to my iPod touch that have been very helpful.

The running log is awesome and you can tell that runners have had input in what is included in the app. The app is titled Running Log and it's by Winkpass Creations. It was 99 cents to download at iTunes. It has a lot of features to track all your runs including distance, time, effort, type of run, route name, if it's a group run, a rest day, and any notes you want to add. On the main page, it has a quick overview of your stats (distance, duration, and pace) for either the week or month. Plus it will graph your runs based on pace, distance, and time. Here is a link to their website with info on the app and other apps they have available. They actually have an app to track the life of your running shoes.

To help with losing the baby weight, I downloaded an app called Tap n' Track by Nanobit Software. This one was $4.99 at iTunes. Here is a link to their web page with more information. It helps you keep track of the calories you intake during the day, how many you burn with exercise, and what you daily need is based on your weight loss goals. It reminds me of Weight Watchers although you really track calories instead of points. To start off you need to enter your starting weight, gender, age, height, job type (the activity level of your job from sedentary to exceptional active), your diet plan (from maintaining weight, to losing up to to 2 lbs/week, to gaining up to 2 lbs/week), your goal weight, and any calorie adjustments or fat/carb/food score budgets. It then calculates out what your daily caloric intake should be. Then everyday you input foods you eat for each meal or snack. The app has an extensive database you can look the items up in. You can also add any exercise you do and for how long and it adds those calories to your daily amount. So far it seems to be a pretty good app so we'll see how the weight loss journey goes and if it does help.

Apr 29, 2010

Starting Out

So I am now at 6 weeks postpartum and starting to get back into shape. I needed the first 6 weeks to recover from having a c-section. We can't all be as amazing as my sister-in-law Nicole who was dancing the night away 5 days after having Maelan!

I'll be using most of the summer to get back into some semblance of shape and then about 8 weeks before the Great Race start in on my 10K training plan. I started to run again on Tuesday. I did 1.5 miles at the track and it was a little painful. It didn't help that it was chilly and very windy. I hadn't run in around 8 months since a scare with the pregnancy made me stop. You have to start somewhere, right? I was able to get out for a run again on Wednesday on the roads. I ran/walked 2.5 miles in about 30 minutes. That puts my pace at 11:49 min/mile. For most of my runs prior, I was around 8:30 - 9:00 min pace. So that's what I am looking to get back to. I was hoping to get in a long walk/run with Miles today, but Maddie was sick so she is home too. So it looks like I won't be able to fit something in before going out with the girls tonight.

I found a full body circuit training workout to help get back into shape. The workout is Lose the Baby Weight Fast from fitnessmagazine.com. It's easy to do at home and seems good for my current fitness level. Hopefully as I get stronger and more fit I can find some harder workouts to do at home.

We are also making changes as a family to eat better. If I expect to lose the rest of the baby weight (and maybe more?) we definitely need to change the eating habits of our family.

To achieve my goals, I need a way to be held accountable. So having a blog is my way of helping to achieve my goals and get back into shape. I'll be chronicling my journey to get back into shape and hopefully running in the Great Race this September.